My morning routine. It’s woo-woo, but it’s working.
In my twenties, I relied on my routine to have an immediate impact on my thinking for that day. It did, but it was short-lived. Today, I have zero expectations for my routine to affect my immediate thinking. It’s designed to categorically change my subconscious and physical interpretation of the world. And that, I believe, will lay the foundation for long-term, sustainable impact on my thinking.
So, what does this look like? Again, it sounds super woo-woo, but it’s working
My anxiety: What it feels like
Putting a name and description to anxiety has helped make it more manageable. Anxiety is most powerful when it is an amorphous force that feels like it is operating on a different dimension than you are. One where we have no agency to combat it.
Describing it in your own words gives it shape. Gives you a chance to deconstruct it, poke at it, and find its weaknesses, absurdities, and errors